uchch varg
उच्च वर्ग = GILDEDउदाहरण : हिंदू धर्म और दर्शन की भाषा के रूप में उसे संपूर्ण भारत में उच्च वर्ग के लोगों के द्वारा पढ़ा जाता था.
Usage : there is wide gap between the low and gilded in our society.
Usage : there is wide gap between the low and gilded in our society.
(Verb) +3
उच्च वर्ग = THE UPPER CLASSUsage : As the language of Hindu religion and philosophy it was studied by the upper classes throughout India.
(Noun) +1
उच्च वर्ग = THE UPPER CRUSTUsage : As the language of Hindu philosophy, it was read by the upper crust across India.
(Noun) +1
उच्च वर्ग = THE JET SETUsage : As a language of Hindu philosophy, it was read by the jet set across India.
(Noun) +1
उच्च वर्ग = UPPER CLASSUsage : In mahabarth is suited by the members of the condingent upper class one is very simple.
(Noun) 0